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Time to move on.

The Untold Stories

of Inspiring Entrepreneurs




Entrepreneurship is not all about rainbows and sunshine. It’s so easy to read about startups and all their glory on TechCrunch and wake away with the misconception that entrepreneurship is easy and a walk in the park. The truth is, it’s not. 


Entrepreneurship is tough! 99% of the time, entrepreneurs are faced with rejections, forced to make difficult decisions 24/7, always looking for that impossible way out when faced with near-death situations. Entrepreneurs are faced with the challenge of not running out of money and managing demanding exceptions from investors and the board. Entrepreneurs wake up and deal with shit 24/7, go to bed, and repeat the next day. It’s a very challenging journey!


So why did so many entrepreneurs chose this painful path? Because we want to build something great! Because we are not quitters! We do not give up. Real entrepreneurs have real struggling stories. We need to come together to share these real struggles because the truth is inspiring and the truth keeps entrepreneurs going, especially when the going gets tough.


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